Monday, November 26, 2012

Time Flies, If Only Fat Did Too...

Holy COW! Don't ask me where the last two weeks went, because I simply don't know. It's crazy to me how quickly they flew by! It feels like lots has happened, and yet so little actually has. Let's see if I can recap-
1) The test run of living with Chris went great! I adore him, I really truly do! I'm still hesitant about him paying all the bills but he insists because he says he'd pay them whether I lived there or not. We did come to a mini compromise and he's going to let me pay for internet because he wasn't planning on having it anyway, so I get to help with a mini bill and he gets to be all macho and take care of me yay! And, while it's tough to find time to blog with him around I think I'll manage. so yes YAY indeed.
2) Diet? FAAAAIL!!! I don't know what is wrong with me. Ever since this summer I haven't been able to stick to diets. I just don't understand. Luckily I've been staying in one spot, which is better than gaining I suppose.
3) Thanksgiving. I got to meet his family on Thansgiving and it was great! iI've already met his parents and siblings but now I've met the rest and it was super fun! Yay! But the day after I had to celibrate with my family which was hell. It's always the same around here. My sister pulls tons of shit and I get scolded. I'm so sick of it! funny how I always seem to end up hiding in a bathroon crying my eyes out over something my mom has said at the holidays. UGH! oh well I'm over that.
My time spent living with Chris [retty much distracted me from everything! it was wonderful! the last three days though i was sicker than I have been in a while, and he sayed by me and took care of me, he's so great! There is an upside to being sick though, I don't feel the urge to eat, like AT ALL. its great! and not that I'm back home not eating will be super easy! So I'm going to do some fasting till I get my appetite back, then I'm going to diet that appitite into oblivion, and then I won't have one and life will be good ;)
 I thnk I'm going to make a diets page on my blog to put all those diets i found plus a few others I've gathered. thoughts?
Well good night my lovelies!
I miss you!
Stay Strong For me!

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