
Here are some of my favorite Quotes, Tips, and lil motivational Thingies ;)
Hope you enjoy, if you have more comment them and I'll throw them in. :)

001. Calories won't make you happy
002. Don't drink your calories
003. Brush your teeth when you're done eating
004. Take before and after pics to show what the mirror can't
006. 10,000 steps every day!
007. It's not going to be easy, it IS going to be worth it.
008. Thirst gets mixed with hunger more often then not, drink water when you think you're hungry
009. Workout while watching TV, it burns calories and keeps you entertained
010. If you're not hungry enough for fruits and veggies, then you're not hungry
011. Do it for the fashion
012. Dreams come true. Not easy, not free. But true
013. The scent of mint surpresses hunger
014. It's not a diet, or a fad, it's a lifestyle
015. Stand more than you sit
016. Know what you want, and keep it in your head at all times
017.Without struggle there can be no progress -FredrickDouglas
018. Journal your emotions. Don't eat them
019. You are not a dog, don't reward yourself with food
020. Keep a food journal
021. If hunger isn't the problem, then eating isn't the solution
022. Don't dig your own grave with your knife and fork
023. When you're thinking of giving up remember why you held on for so long in the first place
024. Do it to wear jeggings without the fear of a muffin top
025. Keep going and you will see results, quit and you never will
026. Do it for the thighs that don't tough
027. Work out. You won't regret it. It's the workouts you miss that you will regret
028. You are in charge of your body
029. Do it for the jeans that fit just right
030. Call it sickness, madness, or obsession, I dont care i call it PERFECTION
031. To sit without falling out of the top of your jeans
032. Keep busy, and avoid mindless eating
033. To no longer be the "FAT" friend
034. Don't treat your stomache like a garbage can
035. Don't "lose weight. you'll find it again. Instead Eliminate the weight, never to return
036. Every day is a chance to change your life
037 Perfection is unattainable, Determination is unbeatable
038. Your boday can do anything, you just have to convince your brain
039. Drink a glass of water every hour
040. Drnk 3 cups of green tea every day to help keep your metabolism up
041. Take you multi vitamins
042. Eat ice, or chew sugar free gum when you statr to get hungry
043. Spicy foods raise your metabolism
044. Cold showers burn more calories
045. Take care of your hair and nails
046. chew slowly and take sips of water between bites
047. Never eat portions bigger than about a cup, it will stretch your stomache
048. Wear perfectly applied lip gloss, you wouldn't want to ruin that by eating would you?
049. Low cal hot chocolatte fills you up when you have that chocolatte craving
050. Get your fiber, filling and takes fat out with it
051. Before you binge take a deep breath and count to 100
052. Read labels, if it has more than 10g of sugar per serving it is OFF LIMITS
053. never eat before 6am or after 6pm, you will have faster half the year, and given your body
         plenty of time to digest before bed time
054. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
055. A moment on the lips, forever on the hips
056. Do it to prove them all wrong
057. Sex is a great work out
058. Good posture burns more calories
059. I'm not starving, I'm perfecting my emptyness
060. Your stomache isn't growling from hunger, it's applauding your strength
061. No boy wants a fat girlfriend
062. Do it for the stares
063. The hungrier you are the more calories you burn
064. Don't walk to the kitchen, take your dog for a walk, its good for both of you
065. Thinner is winner
066. Take control
067. To sit on someones lap and not worry that you're crushing them
068. Walk around the mall, instead of buying things window shop for everything that you will want
         when you're thin, think of how good it will feel
069. To feel comfortable in a bikini
070. Do it for the belly ring you've always wanted
071. To see the surprised look on the peoples faces who haven't seen you in a while
072. To becaome thinspiration
073. To hear people whisper how thin you've gotten behind your back
074. Being cold burns more calories
075. Don't eat. if you want to see food look at your thighs
076. When it comes to losing weight those who can, do. Those ywho can't make excuses
077. Don't get discouraged, just keep going
078. Ice water burns more calories
079. Make a list of "OFF LIMITS" foods start with one then add another, and another
080. There is power in numbers, find a buddy
081. Make goals
082. Reward yourself for small goals, they all add up to the ultimate goal
083. Track your progress, see patterns, make adjustments
084. The longer you weight to start, the longer it will take to happen
085. Don't let one bad day kill you confidence
086. Stress causes weight gain, don't stress
087. Use thinspiration to keep ypurself motivated
088. if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got
089. If you feel like eating do something gross, clean a toilet or the litterbox
090. Want just a taste of something? taste it, chew it, and spit it out
091. Never eat alone, if you have to eat, do it infron of others you'll eat less
092. 2 jumping jacks burns 1 calorie, 3500 calories in a pund 7000 jumping jacks burns a pound
093. Have excuses for why you're not eating ready, and well rehearsed
094. Use a smaller plate so it looks fuller
095. Make a list of why you shouldnt eat, read it when you're about to binge
096. Take a picture of yourself in your undies look at it when you want to binge
097. Start your day with a glass of cold water, wakes you up and gets your metabolism going
098. DON'T use laxatives or diruretics, they dehydrate you and don't help you lose weight
099. buy clothes that don't fit, use them as incentives and goals
100. Pamper yourself, do your nails apply a facial keep your mind distracted and you feeling great

More to come! I'll keep adding so check back

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