Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Anti-Thinspo" My ASS

Okay, so I was looking at thinspo for inspiration, and to find some more to add to my thinspiration page, I found a bunch on pintrest so I went and looked, they normally have plenty, and it's usually great and has a wide variety. Well today I found A TON of "anti-thinspo" shit! I can't believe it! Pictures of fat asses with slogans like "this is beaautiful too". No it's not, it's disgusting, and unhealthy. It just proves that "big" is the new standard. People are just expected to be large. this is disgusting! what are we teaching our children? with images of fat women dancing around in their underwear like its attractive?

This isn't attractine. It's DISGUSTING! -------------->
Why the hell would people promote this? One of the weak ass attempts to promote "anti-thinspiration" was a picture of a large woman laughing saying that we should love ourselves for who we are, and should trade our thinspiration for "GRINspiration". Um...NO! hell no.

I refuse to let this become a thing. I was taught to "love myself" and grew up in a home where food was thrust at you, i was taught to empty my plate, not fill my stomache. and look where i am today, a fat ass fighting to fix the damage of what was taught to me as a kid. we need to teach kids that fat is not good.

I'll do what I want! and frankly what good does an anti-thinspo movement do? If I want it I'll do it. And all of thier pictures of "beautiful/curvy" women? they don't make me want to eat, they make me want to go for a 10 mile run, and make a permanent ban on cookies from my stomache. Seeing those picture doesn't make me "appreciate" myself. it scares me. because I don't want to look like that. EVER!

This whole movement doesn't make any sence, only two types of people would agree with this.
1) Naturally skinny girls who don't know what it's like to feel inferior and hate ourselves.
2) Fat bitches who are too lazy and don't have enough control to fix thier bodies. So instead they chastize us for trying and taking control of out bodies!

Sorry for the rant. I just still can't believe what I saw! Has anyone else seen this? am I just sheltered?
Stay strong Loves! we'll make them eat their words just like they eat everything else, while we continue to shrink and disappear!


  1. I dont know if I totally agree with teaching our kids that fat is bad. At least they should reach for a healthy bmi, but fat in itself is not all bad; we all need it to live. HOWEVER, I HATE ANTI THINSPO!!! >.< and I really appreciate this post. I especially hate the "this is ugly ; this is beautiful ".
    Thanks for the fun post!

  2. I totally, completely agree with you. There's a difference between accepting your body as it is, and being too lazy to do anything about it. America as a whole is just getting fatter and fatter each year...we could do without all these "big is beautiful" encouraging pics. -_-

  3. I didn't mean to say teach kids that this is the only good thing I was just ranting and angry, but yes we should be encouraging people to be a healthy weight! None of this beauty is on the inside so who cares if your arteries are clogged bologna! >.<

  4. I agree with you that being overweight and encouraging people to be fat isn't good, but I don't really think thinspo is good either. Encouraging bones and gauntness, or even over-skinniness isn't smart, either, even if there are less skinny people. But yeah skinny hating needs to stop. I hate when my friends' parents or my grandparents try to force feed me cause they don't think I have enough meat on bones....
    Healthy weights are healthy. And if someone's a little overweight, better that than being obese. Some people can't get past the body type they have; genetics can be a bitch.
    Shit, I'm really tired and I don't know how much sense this comment makes. But I do like your blog and the fact that there's someone else on here from Idaho haha (:

    1. not gunna lie seeing you're from idaho just made my day!

  5. I totally agree that they really shouldn't say things like "Every size if beautiful." To an extent.
    I feel like only really skinny people who DON'T NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT say that all sizes are beautiful. It's infuriating.
    I just discovered your blog by the way. So hey. (:
    I would love a texting buddy! Email me sometime at hugdapuppies@gmail.com and we can exchange numbers! If you're up for it, that is.

  6. Calling a fat girl disgusting is just as bad as calling a skinny person disgusting. Anti- thinspo is great because it teaches us to love our bodies no matter what size. Loving yourself is much harder than succumbing to what society tells us is beautiful. Your resentment and fear of seeing curvy women just proves what is wrong with our society. I'd rather be chubby and happy then thin and constantly worrying about my body.

  7. Oh and by the way, healthy comes in all shapes and sizes. Being underweight is just as dangerous as being overweight. The real issue here is vanity. Those curvy girls are not unhealthy nor lack self control. They simply decided to love their bodies and refuse to believe that losing weight will make them happier. Being obsessed with weight loss will only make your life miserable.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
