Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Something Is Better Than Nothing

Today I FINALLY broke under 145.
I'm only at 144.8, Not much below but its still under 145. better than nothing I suppose.
I used to have a rule where I wouldn't eat before 7 am, or after 7 pm. Now I also have a personal rule where I WILL NOT eat alone. Period end of story.
The only time I will eat is if I'm with someone AND I absolutely have to.
Which worked yesterday.
 And so far so good today.
So yes.
 Let's hope I can keep this up and my gawddamned weight down.
Sorry for such a boring post.
Stay strong lovelies think of me! XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I've been absent for so long, I'm catching up again now.
    Well done darling, I knew you could do it.
    I'm so happy for you.
    Take care.
