Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Busy As A B

So today is the first day of my fast, and so far so good! I saw Chris this morning and we got coffee I took maybe three sips of the plain black coffee so yay! I'm going to go to the gym when I finish this post, I'm waiting on a call from my mom so I thought I'd kill some time and talk to all of my lovelies <3

Today feels good, I woke up and made myself a nice big list of things to do today, because if I'm busy and distracted I'm not eating! I've got plenty to do, I've got my water bottle by my side to keep me drinking all day, and I've got gum just in case of emergency. And I always have my thinspiration! I put some up on my thinspiration page yesterday and I'm going to put more up soon. A lot of it is sayings and what not, that's what really works for me As well as tiny things because that's what I want more than anything in the world! I hope you like I'm sorry if it doesn't work for you, I'll try and add some variety though

I'm spending the day mostly alone today I do have
dog though, and the best part is she always runs to the kitchen whenever someone goes in there, like my little reminder my "fridge guard dog" he looks tell me not to eat, but to give her a treat instead! Now every time i even step foot in the kitchen she is what reminds me not to even open the fridge. Hooray for silly, yet effective reminders. She's also a good work out tool, she loves being chased around the house, rather that bringing a toy back when you throw it for her you have to chase her, corner her and then get it back. who knew she'd make such an awesome buddy?

So, I'm back to 144 :(  I'm so super pissed! I still feel fat and disgusting! Hopefully I can get this fast to last three days and get my weight down! I just want to feel empty! I want to feel pure, and light! I can do it I know I can! I just have to stay occupied and busy! I made an Ana journal a few days ago and I've been adding to it, journaling my thoughts when I can't make it to the computer to blog them, it's actually pretty helpful I'll post some pictures of it soon I really like how it looks :) My smart phone died on me and now I have this crummy little flip phone until I can afford a new phone, so I need to find my camera to post pictures. This flip phone takes tiny pictures! It's ridiculous! oh well its better than nothing I suppose. I'll have to just deal. Maybe I'll make one of my goals a new phone, so not only do I have to save the money for it but I also have to get to a certain weight. Yes, I think that will work. that's what I'm going to do.

Sorry for such a random and boring post. I'm feeling a little mentally foggy. hopefully the pictures make up for it. Stay strong lovelies! We can do this!

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