Saturday, December 8, 2012

Maintaining Is Better Than Gaining

So this morning I'm still at the same weight as yesterday. I didn't eat most of the day untill dinner when mom made a veggie pizza and force fed me. ugh! But maintaining is better than gaining I suppose.

Today I worked from 6 in the morning till 3, I had a sugar free redbull on my first break then Chris brought me a sandwich and an orange for lunch, and now I'm having a cup of tea. I'm going to try and skip dinner. Hopefully I'll be down some tommorrow.

I was doing pretty good but being around people all the time is deffinately making things harder. I need some good fasting days. Tommorrow I work 5 am till 2 so maybe I can get a fast in tommorrow. I'd like to fast for three days in a row, but that is a hard task, not because I lack the will power, but because I'm around people A LOT lately, and Chris always wants to eat.

Hmmm I think I will have a belly ache this week maybe that will get him to not feed me. I hate that damned concerned look he gets. He knows I don't eat much and so he seizes every chance he gets to feed me. DAMN!

Side note!
I work with this girl named Noelle who just moved here from Washington, and she's really nice! I loke her alot! she doesn't have many friends cuz she just moved here, so I"m trying to reach out to her. I don't have many close friends so maybe she'll become one. I love making new friends :)

Well that's all for now dears, sorry for such a boring post.
I think I'll put up some thinspo later
Stay strong Lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. You're so sweet reaching out to Noelle, I love to think that if I ever moved somewhere new people would be as nice and friendly as you.
    Good luck with your three day fast, I hope it goes okay and no one forces you to break it.
    Take care.
