Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Starvation is Fullfilling

I've officially gone over 48 hours without eating a thing. I went to zumba and did awesome! I worked my ass off and when I was done I was sweaty, gross and oh so happy! After zumba came a challenge, my boyfriend Chris and I were at walmart waiting for a call (I'll explain in a moment) and we went into McDonald's to have a little sit down, and he ordered a huge meal, normally I much on his fries, but I told him no, and that I felt a little sick. He seemed a little concerned but ultimately accepted it! YES! I weighed in at 142.6 today! YAY! I'm getting there, slowly but surely! I'm surprised how easy fasting has been. I almost don't want to eat ever again. I felt a little weak after zumba and thought that I might have reached my limit from all the working out, but when I went to get something to eat everything looked disgusting, so I settled for a cup of tea. I'm so glad I'm getting my control back! THANK ANA! lol

K happy story time now!
Chris got his apartment today! YAY!!!
It's so cute! And he wants me to move in with him, which I will eventually. I spent today with him waiting to find out if he got approved, and once he did we got the money order (the reason we were at walmart) and went and got his keys! he even gave me one! I'm so excited! I helped him move most of his stuff in today, and I'm going to help with the rest, and some of mine tomorrow! I'm so excited like you don't even know! I love him so much! sorry that was gushy.

Any who, I'm dead tired. Night lovelies!
Stay Strong!

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